This is used when simply saying "rekt" (shortened from of "wrecked") will not do. If you think someone has just delivered the world's sickest burn, this is the word to use. If you are an annoying twelve-year-old who has just gotten an extremely lucky kill in Call of Duty, this is what you say (see below).
Xxx_cooldude58_xxX: Just 420 noscoped you midair m8, tyrannosaurus rekt!
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Not cyberbullying.
Some people do horrible things that can make others depressed or even commit suicide. They call themselves trolls, and the media believes them, but they aren't trolls. They are cyberbullies and horrible people. Good trolls can make both people laugh in the end.
Person 1: I just sent someone death threats because they said something I disagree with! Trolling is so great.
Person 2: You aren't a troll. You're just an asshole.
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When a wizard takes a picture of themself using magic.
Wizard 1: like O M G this summoning ritual is so cool
Wizard 2: totally! lets take a spellfie! hashtag magic lol
A terrible joke, the opposite of comedy gold.
Person 1: Where do gourds get their water from?
Person 2: I don't know.
Person 1: A PUMPkin!
Person 2: That's comedy mold!