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Fraternal twins (one male and one female) who have fraternal twins themselves (one male and one female) who have fraternal twins themselves (one male and one female)... and so on

"Hey John, I was talking to your sister, and from your family tree, it looks like you guys had a pretty bad case of twinception, like 6 generations in-bred"
"That's no big deal, my twins might be in high school and having sex on a regular basis, and one of them have double-down syndrome, but it isn't any different than my household growing up... Like father and mother, like son and daughter i guess."

by 17link7 December 31, 2015

4👍 4👎

Double-Down Syndrome

When someone has twice the effects of down syndrome, (only reach 2 feet tall, and only live to the age of 20) , and they always double down. They are very poor with money, and are not very good at gambling.

"Man we kicked that midget's ass last night in the club at Hold 'em"
"Yea I know, he musta had double-down syndrome or somthin'; he never could go a hand without double-down'. "

by 17link7 December 31, 2015

2👍 1👎