Very rad lead singer for the punk-pop band Green Day. Born in East Bay, California where he met Mike Dirnst (the tall, blonde one with the bass) as a child. Happily married with two children(yes, very sad news for all you psycho-stalkers.) and bisexual (in your face you ignorant homophobics!).
Personally, I think he's a talented songwriter and I enjoy his vocals. His songs are definitely not the stupidity of poser bands like Simple Plan.
And I bet that some of you are probably going, "Green Day are posers you ignorant pathetic excuse for a music listener!"
To that I say, "I've heard my fair share of bands, I'm definitely not ignorant on true punk-rock like The Clash, but I do enjoy Green Day, so get over yourselves cunts. If you don't like that they're on MTV, call you local cable company and ask them to cancel this channel for you, so you are not prejudiced by shit like TRL. Give them a chance. If you still don't like them, then fine."
Billie Joe likes his name spelled with an "ie" at the end, because that's how his mother spelled it on the birth certificate.
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