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A general term for a woman -- usually white, middle-aged, and privileged -- who is perceived to be ignorant, old-fashioned, conservative, or out-of-touch. The kind of woman who loves Hillary Clinton, Jesus, lululemon, and white feminism. Often used passive-aggressively to criticize white women and white privilege. It doesn't matter if her name isn't Susan. Related words include Becky, soccer mom.

Woman: The most effective way to treat depression is to meditate and do yoga.
Katie: (thinking to herself) okay, Susan...

Woman: #LoveTrumpsHate! #AllLivesMatter!
Black person: Susan here thinks she knows about social justice.
Woman: Black people need to stop being so angry. MLK wouldn't approve.
Black person: SHUT UP, SUSAN!!!!

by 19beatrice97 October 3, 2017

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