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Australian New Zealand Army Corps.... kick the turks ass then went to help those pommy morns and made the germans shit them selvels.... the poms told the australians to wear their slouch hats in the westen front to scare the germans off the ANZAC is a formidable foe

ANZACS: kill the bastards!!!!!!!! (charge over the lines)
Germans "ack iz da ANZACS shnell run away!!!!!!

by 208acu April 25, 2007

24👍 15👎

french army

a poorly lead army. bad leadership,morale and lack of arms and the fact they are french led to thier loss in both world wars. alot of funny jokes are many about them like "a french tank (which are usally renaults which = shit) has 7 gears 1 forward 6 reverse, or "hes about as a reliable as a french torpedo bomber" after WW2 they made nukes to look big today they still are ones of the least reliable armies.

aussie solider(in trench): oi mate whos covering us??
his mate: french army....
damn were gone get the blokes to cover us those frenchies got no hope in hell
damn boy u go more backward then a frech tank commander

by 208acu April 1, 2008

59👍 103👎