Source Code


Youngstown, Ohio. (330)
Definition of Youngstown - You N G's Town.
Murder is 3.10 times the National Average
Forcible Rape is 2.06 times the National Average
Robbery is 1.63 times the National Average
Aggravated Assault is 1.39 times the National Average
All Violent Crime is 1.60 times the National Average
Arson is 10.81 times the National Average
Burglary is 2.58 times the National Average
Larceny or Theft is 1.08 times the National Average
Car Theft is 1.04 times the National Average
All Property Crime is 1.37 times the National Average
Youngstown (Ohio) was also rated #15 out of the worst 100 cities for crime, murder, rape in 2008.

Fuck all the haters. Youngstown is da place.
~Goon Squad 330~

by 330_ALL_DaY December 25, 2009

68👍 29👎