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Dirty Kid

Derogatory term for a high school kid who doesn't shower, doesn't really care about their appearance, skips class, gets into fights, generally does not respect authority, and probably does drugs. Being a dirty kid is more about the attitude than anything else; dirty kids act tough despite being fat or completely out of shape; they almost always look and act smug for no reason at all; they have few, no, or unrealistic plans for the future.

The aforementioned aspects of dirtiness such as skipping class, drugs, awful appearance, not showering etc. are a result of the dirty kid attitude. Dirty kids are also typically incredibly stupid, and will have a chance of failing even the easiest blowoff classes in the school.

It is important to note that dirty kids are found in all economic classes. Rich kids who are sufficiently apathetic or otherwise socially unacceptable will be branded dirty kids and shunned after enough time. Poor kids can also avoid being branded dirty kids through maintaining a proper appearance, using basic social skills, and showing some semblance of work ethic and intelligence. All normal kids are socially above dirty kids.

Dirty kids are found skipping class in the hallways or the parking lot, and in the lunchroom can be seen either A) congregating at extremely smelly dirty kid tables or B) trying to sit in nooks in the walls because nobody will let them sit at their table.

Non-dirty kids are not called clean kids. They are simply called normal kids.

Normal kid 1: Who was that guy who got sent to the principle's office in 2nd hour?

Normal kid 2: Idk, some dirty kid. He tried to vape in class.

Normal kid 1: lmao what a dumbass.

Normal kid 2: l know, he's so dirty.

by 4gateftw December 11, 2017