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Military Definition - A senior member who has been around for awhile, many times referring to the washed out look of old utilities worn through the years and several deployments.

Salty Dude - No joke, Baghdad in 2004 was intense.
New Boot - Oh Sergeant your so salty!
Salty Dude - Yeah, now GET THE FUCK OUT

by 556boyer June 5, 2011

227👍 105👎


The tone and pitch at which your fart sounds.

Man, I farted in the church pew and the asscoustics were heavenly!

by 556boyer April 6, 2011

57👍 17👎


can be used to indicate the time of day being excruciatingly early.

You going out tonight, Bill?

Nah man, I had to be up at the asscrack of dawn this morning.

by 556boyer June 4, 2011

30👍 6👎