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Aberrant Maryo

The Moderator+ on UltimisMC or you can say hax on Moderator cuz they are a god pvp'er. They aren't Toxic but when someone accuse they have /moote perms ;-; SrMod soon or never

1. Omg, Aberrant Maryo.. We are dead.
2. Ahh Fuck, Maryo will now mute us. ;-;

by 5lOq January 4, 2022


The toxic chatter on UltimisMC. They are good at pvp but they can't live without flexing once on chat ;-;

1. School can suck two inch balls - ItzV1pr_
2. ItzV1pr_ you suck, but teach me to pvp

by 5lOq January 5, 2022


Moderator+ at UltimisMC or you can say they took a cat as a Mod ;-; Senior Mod soon or Demoted lmao.

1. Promote Axrp or bald.
2. I wanna be like Axrp ;(

by 5lOq January 5, 2022