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disney lesbian

Any girl older than twelve who is obsessed with Disney apparel, Disney cartoons, Disney movies, and Disney shows. These girls usually have a Disney princess or a girly cartoon character as their IM avatars or profile pictures

*Not limited to Dora the Explorer, Hanna Montana, iCarly, Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, Lizzie McGuire, Ned's Declassified, or Zack and Cody (not to be confused with Zack and Miri)

NOTE: If this definition applies to a guy, then the guy is either on crack, heroin, or meth. Or plainly he is just gay.

Dude 1: I was searching for Kelly on Myspace, cuz damn, she's so hot and I wanted to see her pics.

Dude 2: Ugh... Why does she have Tinkerbell as her profile pic? She's almost twenty.

Dude 1: What a disney lesbian!

by 89mch September 18, 2010

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