Source Code


Surwara- This means that you are feeling the moment with a strong scence of emotion meaning you are feeling this way deep into your heart, It might look like sadness but it isn't it means you're thinking of that moment to hard and wish it happen to make you happy and enjoy life

Surwara- This means that you are feeling the moment with a strong scence of emotion meaning you are feeling this way deep into your heart, It might look like sadness but it isn't it means you're thinking of that moment to hard and wish it happen to make you happy and enjoy life

Example- Dreaming about you're future duaghter how nice it was, when you woke up you felt very Surfwara after missing that dream

by 92938489292 July 20, 2020


It means water

The surfwara waves are getting to strong

by 92938489292 October 8, 2020

2525whut & 0170486cool

He is one of the best tc3 players in history of roblox he won the rookdood,asianangelo,017,many more he also fought in the war against the taranny ruthless HMS to this day he and 017 was banned as they where a threat into claming global power over tcg community

2525whut & 0170486cool are one of the best player to fight the taranny liberal in a discord server call tcg

by 92938489292 July 19, 2020

7👍 3👎

The United Conquerors

The United Conquerors, also known as TUC, tuc, or TUC, is a rebel group full of communists. They are looking over to take over tcg and took down 2 of tcg's best defenders: 0170486cool and 2525whut. They killed countless amount of people and always exploit others with the aid of RuthlessGereeyHMS. Their exploitation of TCG is not well known by the public, and they brainwash people to follow their own agenda to take over TCG. Soon, TCG will end up like the Castro dictatorship of Cuba. Do not let this happen! Join the union today to stop these tyrants!!!

The United Conquerors- Communist pig regiem

by 92938489292 July 21, 2020

12👍 3👎


A service man who served during the army of the tc3 and is well honorable with his code and also fought in the war agianst RuthHms and also one of best player in tc3


by 92938489292 July 21, 2020

7👍 3👎


A soccer mom Karen who likes to break people property, but also love to date jewish men with serious mental issues.

DivineRage who likes to break people property, but also love to date jewish men with serious mental issues. :)

by 92938489292 January 29, 2022


The best Tc3 player in known history and serve in the war of the RuthHms war and won that war


by 92938489292 July 21, 2020

9👍 3👎