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Covid Cookies

1.The phlegm you cough up while sick with Covid-19.
2.chunks of lungs that are scraped out of your lungs when you have COVID-19.

She was in the hospital for weeks.She said she has so many Covid Cookies that she could hardly breathe.

by 93 yourcultleader93 November 16, 2020


A show of affection.Given by touch or implied by speaking the word.

I looked at my girl and said SMASHINGS...because I want to grab her and break her apart cuz I love her so much.

by 93 yourcultleader93 July 25, 2020

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When you retweet a link and pretend you didn’t read or watch it if someone calls you out on it.

Donald Trump’s retweetments are total bs on the most part.He hides his racist views in plain sight.Then he pretends to be innocent.

by 93 yourcultleader93 September 15, 2020

ho vaulter

A person who has sex with a string of different people,usually in a spree.

You haven’t had sex with Jason have you?He is such a ho vaulter.He had sex with my best friend.Then later that night,he ho vaulted to my sister!!!The next morning he ho vaulted to my mom!!!I had to tell all three of them he has herpes!!!

by 93 yourcultleader93 July 25, 2020


When all your plans for Halloween get destroyed,so you sit around being annoyed by anyone having fun of any kind.

As much as I love Halloween,Covid-19 made it a Hollow-ween.I’m so over it.

by 93 yourcultleader93 October 31, 2020

Crapper gargoyle

A person who stands in wait for the next stall to open up.

I was trying to take a dump.But outside the stall I could see a crapper gargoyle.Can’t they just chill out?

by 93 yourcultleader93 July 29, 2020


The fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head during the Vice Presidential Debate 2020.

Mike Pence got the CoronaFlyrus during the debate.

by 93 yourcultleader93 October 8, 2020