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When you retweet a link and pretend you didnโ€™t read or watch it if someone calls you out on it.

Donald Trumpโ€™s retweetments are total bs on the most part.He hides his racist views in plain sight.Then he pretends to be innocent.

by 93 yourcultleader93 September 15, 2020


essentially means in modern slang, "I agree". It signals one person's commonality with another's presented comment or statement.

"Ugh dude I'm so tired bro"
"Retweet my friend. Retweet. Got three hours of sleep because I was studying."

by Peaceandblessings March 7, 2017

82๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


On twitter, to copy a tweet and then send it again on twitter.

I will retweet that post since it was such a great idea.

by seo steve September 15, 2008

148๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


also known as retweeting, to retweet or RT

1) A way of reposting tweets on twitter to your twitter timeline.
2) Saying something that someone else just said


Twiterguy1: something awesome
Twitter_gal34: @Twiterguy1 RT something awesome

Guy3: it wont go down!
Guy1: thats what she said
Guy2: thats what she said
Guy1: i just said that
Guy2: i retweeted it

by zinfandel daydreamer May 21, 2011


What mama bird regurgitates into baby bird's mouth.

Mama bird retweeted her offspring's sustenance directly into their snapping beaks.

by Moggraider February 13, 2011

66๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


if somebody agrees to something that someone else says they can reply with "retweet"

Jessica: holy shit antione's dick is small
Emma: retweet!!

by letmeseeyourdogs March 13, 2022


Information or statement that should be retweeted

Jes: โ€œCourtney is one of my least favorite peopleโ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃโ€

by D. SASTER?! January 30, 2021