Aka:magic blue pill,uppers,speed.
Adderalls an addicting supplement used to cure the symptoms of ADD.I started taking adderall in the 11th grade.I was failing out of school not atending and blaming it on because "I cant concentrate."
You start taking them by mouth and let me tell you it feels great.But then you cant stop,I started railing them.I did lines in the bathroom of my work everyday.whenever you don't have you don;t even wanna get out bed,something as simple as going to the bathroom is hard.But you still cant stop because your brain depends on it to make you energy.You could sleep for 3 days and you still feel like shit cause you ran out of your pills.
If your reading this and want to experiment with adderall dont do it,you might as well be a coke head.Its not something im proud of but take my word.Im broke my girlfriend left me and i still cant stop.
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