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Elongated fire crotch weiner wizard. Commonly shortened to just fire crotch or said alphabetically E F C W W.

Primarily nicknamed by the wandering warlock Isaac whilst upon the philosophical bench of lore. The first and last of its kind. Native to the blazing outback region of northern utah. Possesing a medusa-like quality, Legend says that merely looking upon this brilliant, spleenless creature can leave a man jealosy-ridden and with an overwhelming sense of inadequacy. Be careful if youre ever to encounter the fair beast, for youre confidence will ne'r be found intact.

Look out!! Here comes!!!!.... EFCWW.

by A knowlegeable waysayer May 12, 2021


The term bussin is to only be used in rare situations. To preserve its unparalleled importance and dignity, the United states has enacted the "Bussin Use Shouldnt Stay In Notoriety act" which employed the help of tik tok girls and white girls alike from across the country to serve as noble protectors of the word's divine origin and reverent use. These valiant women became the sole mediators of appropriate bussin use to discourage all who dare make light of such a pivotal, magnificent phrase. The women fight daily to keep our country respectful and spread the word via a new, innovational, mode of human interaction so rightly titled "tik tok" to highlight the urgency of the cause of "bussin regulation". Tik tok is an onomonopea of the sound a clock makes and how fitting seeing as if we dont make haste in slowing down the unrighteous use of the word bussin, the social media gods will promptly smite us from off the face of the earth. .
Start today!
President biden
President washington
Santa claus
Santa paws
Christopher Columbeeboy
Thomas eddison
Thomas eddidaughter
The man downstairs
The man upstairs
The man that just fell up and then down the stairs


Yo bruddah this chipotle be bussin to the highest degree.
Ay sista this lemonade really doobee bussin bussin u no wut eye meen??

This tuna is bussin
Public transportantion is bussin
This bus is bussin(nobody has ever laughed at this one)

by A knowlegeable waysayer December 14, 2021

10👍 9👎


When Christopher Columbeeboy sailed the ocean blue in 1492 he employed the aid of the emotion evoking, awe-inspiring, motivational dictum, "Bussin" to infuse energy into his weather beaten crew. Some say that only because of this term was america discovered and has become the land of the free, it is today. During World War 2, we learn that for a while all was quiet on the western front, but, this actually is a partial fallacy in our historical retelling of the famous day. Over the plains that day could be heard a solemn wisper on the wind with such divine reverence as to peirce the souls of each and every soldier within the scope of its power.

The crew that landed on the moon are famously quoted as saying, "Houston, the moon doobee bussin doh." Never before has the nation been so united in the cause of exploration and human excellence than this moment. After the plane hit the towers on that historic day in 2001, the president discouraged any further terroristic violence with his revered and heaven inspired message to the taliban and ISIS, quote, "Yo homies from overseas, That. Was. Not. bUYUUUUUUUUUssin of you." At the reception of this message the taliban and ISIS immediatley surrendered as they heard the President use the ancient deeply emotive adjective. They were so ashamed and utterly emotionally destroyed that they dropped a nuke on themselves to hide their incompetence and "unbussin" nature.

This steak is bUssin.
Shrek is bUssin

by A knowlegeable waysayer December 14, 2021

3👍 1👎