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Kristina is and beautiful blond who is extremely kind and stands up for what she believes in. She can act like a bitch, but she knows that and only does so when necessary. Kristina is extremely lovable and is one you should cherish. Keep Kristina close as long as you can and she will make your life worth something. She lights up your life and does what she must to protect those she loves. Plus she loves her dog babies.

Me: oh look Krissy is coming!
Person: Who?
Me: Kristina- the blond over there.

Person: oh her! I heard she is a bitch with no feelings for others.

Me: well you heard wrong. She is amazing and beautiful and I love her.

by A.girl.with.a.bestie.and.a.gf December 2, 2018

4👍 3👎


Holly is beautiful with brown eyes and blond hair. She may seem crazy but once you get to know her, she is the sweetest, most loyal person you could ever meet. When you see her, you know she will never betray you or hurt any part of you. Cherish her and promise to protect her. Keep that promise.

Person: Who is that?
Me: that's Holly

Person: she is beautiful
Me: she is by absolute best friend

by A.girl.with.a.bestie.and.a.gf December 2, 2018

2👍 1👎