A wedgy caused as a result of the beltloop of one's jeans getting caught on a loose wire on a chainlink fence and his or her loss of footting. The result is one's butt cheeks being spread extremely far apart and the waist band of the trousers reaching the middle of the back. Is extremely painful.
The bergler got a suspended wedgy, and that was what saved us from a home invasion.
Term created by the author to define the act of giving something beyond precious to another human being
Gracing is very rewarding for me.
An intense guttural belch low in pitch with a bassy rumble
That was one heck of a hubert.
(Diaper lover slang) One who hunkers
I am a professional hunkerer
Redneck slang (date with a man)
Mama, I'd love to eat dinner witcha all tonight, but my mandate's a-comin' to pick me up.
an empty upside-down metal drum with a nest of bees inside it
We have a humdrum here.
The intense blow created by a pistol shrimp's claw. A 60-MPH burst of water is generated, and thus, the shrimp's prey is stunned or even killed by the blast, which is said to create brief temperatures as hot as the sun due to the intensity of the pressure induced on the water from the squeezing action of the claw.
A hydropunch can kill you easily.