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Dick Flick

a male version of "chick flick"
Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow

There are no funny women in this movie- it must be a Dick Flick.

Question: Why are there "feel good" musical scenes of guys playing games and horsing around with each other in this movie?
Answer: It's probably a Dick Flick.

So many fart jokes and pot in this movie--it must be a Dick Flick.

Question: Why are these straight guys saying things about ass, balls, and being gay to the other straight guys in this movie?
Answer: It's probably a Dick Flick

The female love interest is a lawyer in this movie- it must be a Dick Flick.

The women curse and are nymphomaniacs (except one, the one that is a lawyer) in this movie- it must be a Dick Flick.

by AD2 September 14, 2013

5👍 3👎

one upper

* Calling everyone out, stating that you are indeed better than them without actually saying so.
* Too imply that you are or have done something long before anyone else had even thought about doing it.

Me: Fuck ya we get paid tonight its the 15th!
Hanson: Yeah well i get paid an hour and a half before everyone else!
Everyone: ZOMG WTF Who says that? And how is that fucking possible that you get paid 1.5 hours before everyone else!?!!!?!?!?! Dude your a fucking One Upper!

by AD2 March 19, 2007

4👍 11👎