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1. The Roman god of the harvest. Worshipped during the winter festival of Saturnalia, starting about December 17 and lasting for seven days, it is thought to have given rise to Christmas. (Let's face it, nobody actually KNEW when Jesus was born, so they just picked a date)

2. Sixth planet from the sun, it has some bigass rings around it, bigger than any other of the planets in our solar system. Galileo called them ears.

3. An American-made car that has cheap plastic paneling and burns a lot of oil after a couple years of use. Also doesn't dent - thanks to the plastic. They are super cheap though, so you can afford to buy 3 or 4 of them; which should give you the same amount of use as one good car.

4. One of the worst selling console game systems ever, produced by SEGA. Perhaps only worse was the SEGA Dreamcast - their last effort at making a game console.

1. I am totally pumped for Saturnalia. Feasting, wine and debauchery... we still need a sacrificial victim.

2. Saturn.. uhh.. it's a great planet.

3. Jeeez pass this dumbass saturn before these fumes kill me!

4. DUDE you have a SEGA SATURN!?!? HAHAHA

by AJC May 1, 2005

31👍 96👎


1. For one to have had enough of another’s bad attitude

2.completed a set task

3. Failed to meet the quota for amount of set days on a bender

Person 1 “Hey ! Did you see that Anthony only lasted two days on the three day bender ? “

Person 2 “ YEAH he was DUNN”

by AJC December 15, 2021