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mad fan

MAD Feet, Ass and Nuts. To smell extremly wrong, a most disgusting stench.

Damn, smellin' the mad fan in here nigga, open a window

by ALEX April 29, 2003

1👍 8👎


A man is crawling through the desert and dies. 10 days later, a demon from the 9th circle of hell appears and has anal sex with the body. The smell on the demon's penis is Peb.

Ah, damn! It smells like friggin' peb in here!

by ALEX March 5, 2005

266👍 59👎


Golf: Slang for a body of water.

My ball went into the drink.

by ALEX October 9, 2003

112👍 64👎

Nouveau Mullet

The Modern Mullet, was primarily used to describe the style which had a combination of the 'Beckham' hairstyle with more hang down the back. Now freely used to describe any other fashion mullet cropping up.

"The Australian Cricket team decided to all get Nouveau Mullets to show solidarity with modern style"

by ALEX January 13, 2005

1👍 4👎



Furby's are Giddy!

by ALEX February 17, 2003

333👍 189👎


Someone who is a liberal or left-wing. Someone who usually believes things such as:

•There should be seperation of church and state, whether or not we were founded by christians
•State's rights are important
•Proving murder is wrong by killing a murderer is stupid
•"Killing" an unborn baby, where the mother could die from childbirth, or was a rape victim, is o.k. If you have masturbated or eat chicken eggs for breakfast how could you be against it.
•Thinks we need to do something about global warming
•Favors higher taxes for a GOOD REASON! There are too many underfunded schools, and over forty million americans without basic healthcare. Taxes pay for that.
•Thinks even if you are against something, doesn't mean it should be illegal for others to do.
•And to all you republicans, its ok to be a republican, but don't go bashing democrats and then not even know how to spell it, or have tons of errors, that is just embaressing.

I am a democrat

Bill Clinton

He is a democrat, he supports funding of schools

by ALEX June 18, 2006

1929👍 60048👎

anger orgy

a fight or struggle between two or more people

I got into this huge anger orgy with my mom.

by ALEX October 25, 2004

4👍 18👎