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An acronym for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

An sub-group of Radical Feminism that believes trans women aren’t women, and thus should be excluded from the feminist movement. They believe that transgender women are all predatory men trying to invade women’s spaces, and that transgender men are all confused lesbians who have been hurt by the patriarchy. Most of them refer to trans women as “trans identified men.” They say they hate women being defined by their genitals, yet genitals are the basis of all their anti-trans arguments. Ironically, they use the same logic misogynists do to defend their arguments. TERFs exclude infertile cis women and cis women who have had a hysterectomy.

TERFs are usually serious misandrists. Other feminist groups dislike them because they make feminism look crazy and full of hate. TERF and radical feminist are not interchangeable, and inclusive Radical Feminists hate being called a TERF.

Other common TERF ideas include:
- Being a SWERF (Sex-work exclusionary Radical Feminist)
- Men cannot be feminists
- Anti-Religion (Usually Islam and Christianity)
- Using the Labrys Lesbian flag
- Many, many other stupid things.

J.K Rowling is a massive TERF.

by ALPHABETTERR January 16, 2023

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