A transgender pride flag version of the "no homo" (ð³ï¸ ðâ ) emojii, "no trapo".
Someone: I'm sorry, I'm only into real women ð³ï¸ â§ï¸â ð³ï¸ â§ï¸â ð³ï¸ â§ï¸â
24👍 28👎
A derivative from word "retard".
A person who is subscribed to /r/traa subreddit on Reddit and loudly voices their subjective opinion on other subreddits, usually an SJW.
Some guy: His name is Felix. And it's a guy.
Other dude: No her name is Ferris and she is female.
Some guy: Other dude, are you a rtraard? Everyone here knows that Felix from Re:Zero is a dude.
3👍 4👎
A Minecraft test and learning level full of sample traps, NPCs and other prefabs.
Most of the mobs there are hostile to Player.
NPCs have very basic logic so the Player can easily learn how they are scripted.
Most of the traps use "Bog-standard landmine" (very little damage to player) and have 40% chance to trigger whether a Player is near them or not.
Player2: *fells for Player1's clever trap*
Player1: I learned how Minecraft NPCs and traps work using a test level called "r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns"
12👍 47👎