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(n) Someone who continuously behaves in a manner that is unacceptable in society.

Person 1: Dude, I got kicked out of the State Theatre last night for refilling my beer bottle off the tap. I'm such a cruddler.

Person 2: Yeah and you didn't even leave a tip you fucking cruddler.

by ATOWN4LIFE September 16, 2007

9👍 5👎

nacho city

When you get really blazed then eat a rack of nachos.

Bruce: "Dude I got tostitos, chee, salsa, and a fat sac of purps. Its bout to be nacho city up in this piece."

by ATOWN4LIFE September 17, 2007

6👍 2👎


(n) A Mexican with a mullet.

"Hey check out Hector, he's got sweet guacamullet.

by ATOWN4LIFE September 16, 2007

18👍 7👎

stage 5

When someone is tryin to roll out really badly and everyone else is chillin.

Person 1: "Lets leave the party, I want to go home."
People at the party: "Wow this fuckin toolbelt is really in stage 5."

by ATOWN4LIFE September 17, 2007

19👍 40👎


(n) the opposite of a toolbox.

Lacey: "I just beat expert on Guitar Hero!"
Garret: "Dude, your a fuckin rulebox!"

by ATOWN4LIFE September 17, 2007

8👍 1👎

You Garret

Literally means "You Got it."
Origins: Senegalese French

Person 1: "Am I rolling this backwood correctly?"
Person 2: "Umhumm, you garret."

by ATOWN4LIFE September 16, 2007

14👍 5👎