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millimeter peter

The shriveled form a person's pecker (a penis) takes after taking a quick dip in a cold body of water like a freshwater lake or after taking an ice bath. The penis, to a man's horror, retreats in size to almost the point where it is unrecognizable (worst case scenario a raisin). The effects of a millimeter peter can range from a mild decrease in self confidence to extreme panic.

*Two runners after getting out of an ice bath*
Robbie: "Jesus Christos that was cold! I cant feel anything!"
Gabe: "Dude I know! Hollup I gotta do a damage control check. Hopefully everything is ok down there..:

*Gabe looks down in his drawers*
Gabe" "My God!"
Robbie: "What is it bro!?"
Gabe: "I got a millimeter peter...There goes my dream of becoming the next Ron Jeremy..."
Robbie: "Well shit man..."

by A_Real_GEE December 15, 2013

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