Source Code


Preps can often be associated with stuck up, upper class, white bitches who have eating disorders, wear too much lipgloss, only buy super expensive clothing from places that cater to ridiculously small sizes like Abercrombie and Fitch, Polo, Hollister, and American Eagle and have very basic vocabularies. But honestly, like all fads, it doesn't really matter if your social status or race, as long as you wear the uniform and behave like a prep you ARE a prep. And preps, along with all other cliques are defined by what people think a prep looks or acts like. Regardless or whether you are rich or poor as a rattlesnake. Or whether you're white or whether you've ever actually went to a prep school. If you can't bring yourself to buy a pair of jeans that isn't under 100$ you're probably a prep. If you can't associate with anyone who's style isn't scaringly similar to yours and you feel that anyone's whose different is totally beneath you, you're probably a prep. If you apply a least 30 layers of lipgloss and brush your hair constantly between classes, you're probably a prep. And if your vocabulary consists of the words 'totally' 'like' and the phrase 'Oh my god!' to descirbe every feeling of emotion possible... oh yeah, you're a prep. Remember it's not something you're born into, it's a lifestyle. You chose to live that way, so deal with the label like everyone else has to deal with their labels (and yes, I am talking to all you whiners crying 'I'm not a prep' when you're so clearly are).

(group of preppy girls talk at lunch table)
(girl walks by)
(one of the preppy girls calls her over)
Prep girl 1: Hey! Like, where'd you get your top? It's like sooo cute!
Prep girl 2: Yeah, and I LOVE your shoes!
Girl: Ummm... thanks...
Prep Girl 1: Come and like sit with us!
Girl: Like, okay.
(goth girl walks by)
Goth girl: Prep...
Girl: I'm not a prep!
Prep Girl 3: Don't pay her any attention, she's just jealous.
Girl: Of what?
Prep girl 2: Of not being one of us, of course!
Girl: And what are we exactly?
Prep girl 4: Umm, like, preps? Duh!

by A_Trail_Of_Contradictions March 25, 2007

8👍 14👎


Wanna know what what a true rebel/non-conformist is? It isn't someone who rags on other cliques or openly does something stupid or rude to others. It isn't someone who follows some popular choice of style. It isn't someone who does drugs or drink. And it DEFINETELY isn't one of those stereotypes from old fifties movies! It's someone who can hardly stand out at all because they're lost in the sea of cliques. You simply cannot classify a rebel in any clique, because they follow their own dress code putting on and picking out what they think is cool and not wearing something because it seems punk or preppy. A rebel doesn't do something because it's hot for the moment or because it seems hardcore or something a rebel would wear. As a matter of fact, most rebels don't even know they are rebels. They befriend whoever they like, listen to whatever they want to listen to, and behave in the manner they see fit. These people live their lives the way they want to and not the way everyone expects them to. They can be punk one day, preppy the next, and hip hop by the end of the week but they never conform to one thing (unless they just really like it). In short, a rebel/non-conformist lives life the way they see fit without caring how others see them and what others think. Think you're a rebel? Check out your wardrope, your style of music, your friends and ask yourself, " Do I really like this because I think it's cool or because others think it suits me?" "Do I really like this person or do I associate with them because others expect me to?"

Trust, true rebels are far in between and are often the most unlikely people you'll ever think of.

Prep girl: Hey, is that one of those punk girls?
Other prep girl: I thought she was goth...
Prep girl: Oh, then why's she talking to those thugs?
Other prep girl: Like, I dunno... but I heard her listening to some country music in her car the other day.
Prep girl: That's soooo weird! I thought those kinds of people listened to rock.
Other prep girl: That girl is sooo weird!
Prep girl: Totally!
(teacher walks by)
Teacher: She's what you would call a rebel... a non-conformist.
Other prep girl: Nuh uh!
Teacher: Then what would you call her?
Prep girls:....
Teacher: Thats what makes her a rebel.
(teacher walks away, girls dumbfounded)

by A_Trail_Of_Contradictions March 25, 2007

308👍 150👎