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LIGHTS Addiction Syndrome is a highly contagious, incurable emotional disorder characterized by inability to stop listening to the Canadian musician LIGHTS’ music and visiting her myriad of Internet outlets to read all of her blogs, watch all of her videos, and any other similar activity.
Some common symptoms include (but are not limited to):
1) Greatly reduced stress levels while listening to any song by LIGHTS
2) A general feeling of helplessness while attempting to turn off a LIGHTS song
3) Involuntary smiling during each of LIGHTS’ interviews
4) Inability to not feel good after reading/watching a LIGHTS blog/vlog
5) Melting of heart every time LIGHTS laughs
6) Absolute loss of inhibition to change the world for the better

I have a severe case of LAS, I can't help but listen/watch Lights every opportunity I have.

by Aaron1006 May 4, 2010

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