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ABS (Author's Boredom Syndrome): When a writer gets the compulsive yearning to jot something down--anything!--due to a pressing sheer boredom. Could be poetry, a story idea, brainstorming, etcetera. More than half of the time, however, the end result will be mediocre because it was forced in order to conquer boredom.

"Man, work was boring as hell. what a long ass today. if it wasn't for my ABS, I don't think I could've made it."


"So, babe, did you write anything today?"

"Yeah...six poems."

"Damn! You usually only do one, two at the most."

"I was bored out of my mind, so my ABS kicked in. Chances are, they all suck."

by Abaddon_Uziel February 7, 2012

12👍 13👎