"A Mich" is a term descended from the legendary Ranger from Mabon named Michaelangelo. And is a slight contrast to a Brexit. Basicly a Mich is a term for being so awesome and smooth at being AFK that no one knows that you are really just looking at porn on your computer...
"Oh look at skull trying to pull a mich, what a noob! No one pulls a mich like the Legen-fucking-dary Mich!! bless that guy, and his big, hard, sexy Light heal!!"
"A Mich" is a term descended from the legendary Ranger from Mabon named Michaelangelo. And is a slight contrast to a Brexit. Basicly a Mich is a term for being so awesome and smooth at being AFK that no one knows that you are really just looking at porn on your computer...
"Oh look at skull trying to pull a mich, what a noob! No one pulls a mich like the Legen-fucking-dary Mich!! bless that guy, and his big, hard, sexy Light heal!!"