1. The word for the day
many people think that the word for the day is just an automatic robot that just chooses a random word to show on the homepage but some rumors say that there is someone doing it. they say that if you ever discover their identity, they will hack your device and destroy all your social media accounts.
pintobean2003 was an urban dictionary user that suddenly disappeared back in 2020. the rumors say he was sucked in through his device and got trapped since. so whenever you look up help in the urban dictionary, the rumors say, that you will see his face for a few milliseconds after searching it up.
3. Searching up your name in UD
it may be fun to look up your name in the Urban Dictionary to see what it will say about you but some rumors say if you look to the last page of what your name is, you will see your true name, what you do, your birthday, and your future.
person 1: have you ever heard of The 3 mysteries of the Urban Dictionary?
How the fuck did you find this, Carl
Carl whyd you search up marvy john