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A term usually used in a pejorative sense to describe a person who is frequently preoccupied by, and derives pleasure from, intellectual pursuits.

In modern society, carries connotations of spending a lot of time on the computer, excelling academically, and being interested in one or more of the following areas: programming, reading, science, anime and video games.

In this sense, the definition overlaps somewhat with geek. However, nerd is often used to emphasise those who focus more on intellectualism and academia, whereas geeks are more traditionally technology enthusiasts and video gamers.

They normally have idiosyncratic and eccentric personalities and have little interest in following social norms. As such, they are ostracized by the majority of society as being weak, pathetic and unpopular. They also tend to be introverts.

Some nerds, as well as geeks, can become insecure as a result of their frequent social exclusion. However, many others are not entirely oblivious to social rituals but indifferent, seeing them as ultimately pointless and refusing to participate except where necessary.

While many nerds seem to think that they will ascend to the top of the societal food chain due to their intelligence, this is not entirely true. There are intelligent people who are not nerds, and while intelligence is usually necessary to advance to a 'successful' position within society, the determination to apply that intelligence is also required.

Going by the definition above I am both a geek and a nerd, though care little for the terminology as it only serves to describe, and not define, my personality.

by Aeon_Flux October 29, 2009

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