n. 1. A person who's forehead rudely interrupts the day-to-day lives of others. This includes crushing small babies and tipping over old folks as they attempt to walk in to their local MCL for a sedated meal. A Kariss usually has to buy two separate hats. One for the top of the head, and one for the forehead. Acne on a Kariss is scary.
2. To obstruct people's view with the insanely vast canyon that rests right above your eyes and below your hairline. People can't see when you're a Kariss. You typically get banned from movie theaters and similar venues. You struggle to make it through standard doorways. It typically takes a Kariss 30 to 105 minutes to wash the entire canyon.
The Kariss took up both seats on the bus.
Rihanna ain't got NOTHING on THAT Kariss!!!
Mother: How is she doctor?!?!?
Doctor: Well your daughter suffered a concussion when she was swiped by the Kariss. You would THINK a Kariss of that nature would know NOT to turn her head so quickly in a public place. We expect your daughter to make a full recovery however. Truly a miracle though... she could've died...
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