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She is the worst person on earth and everyone wishes shes dead

omg shes such a gloria, what a cunt

by Afropapi123 January 27, 2022

1👍 6👎


This seggcy human was baked off a bakery. You know that heat you get when you pass by something hot ? That’s not really heat that’s a mf Adaa. Fell from the sky with her long flow-y hair to impress all of us. When you look in her eyes you feel like the world is tearing apart because you can’t stand that beauty 🤌🏽. Ugh sometimes I just want to pop my eyes , tear my flesh, open my legs and slam myself on the wall when she walks by. #adaasupremacy is real, don’t get fooled.

Majestic? More like Adaajestic

by Afropapi123 March 18, 2021

8👍 4👎