A person who participates in Ash Wednesday and acts pretentious because they have ash on their forehead and you do not.
John: "hey man do you mind sharing some paper?"
Jim (with ash): "no way, you should've brought your own damn paper"
John: " you ash-hole"
John: "hey man do you mind sharing some paper?"
Jim (without ash): "sure man no problem"
John; "thanks friend"
When listening to Pandora the half-way rule applies, meaning that if one is more than half-way through a particular song then you do not skip the song.
This is done in an effort to preserve the 5 skips per hour allowed by Pandora.
"dude this song is total shit, skip it"
"nah dude we're past half-way, i'm not gonna waste a skip"
half-way rule
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