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1. (noun)
An employee under another employee's supervision and/or rules.

2. (noun)
In the corporate business realm, this often explains one who a) is enslaved or b) is expected to be enslaved to the characteristic of professionalism (see professional).

3. (noun)
A queen bee's pet.

4. (noun)
One counted as inferior in business regardless of character or skill. May or may not be more valuable than their managers / superiors.

5. (verb)
The action of kissing up to one counted superior in the business realm. To submit one's self to inferiority due to pressure, accusation, threat, or other non-work-related situations. The opposite of insubordination.

"This is my incompetent team member--he's my subordinate."

"There's a new company policy in place."
"I will gladly communicate it to my subordinates."

"I'm the new CEO, and you are...?"
:: Holds out hand to engage in handshake ::
"I am the manager here and these are my many SUBORDINATES. Did I tell you they are my SUBORDINATES?"

"Sorry I'm late; it looked like my wife was going into labor."
"And she didn't and you're still late?"
"Well....yeah! I needed to be there and makes sure all was fine."
"I count this as insubordination. I expect you to subordinate yourself to my leadership and coaching tips."
:: Blank stare / jaw drop from employee ::

by AgentSlade May 7, 2010

15👍 2👎


1. (Adjective)

a. Of or relating to the characteristic of professionalism, usually applicable in medium to large corporations. A characteristic in which one is expected to put one's employer and duties thereof above family, human dignity, and health.

b. One is is professional is monitored to ensure they are walking around with a sarcastic respect for other people in the corporation, even when there are very real burdens on the professional person's mind.

c. A description unfairly assigned only to one who devotes more time and energy to his occupation in the company than to his marriage, family, and health.

d. The manner in which a task is performed in a company, as long as it reflects the professional qualities of the performer.

e. A WORD THAT HAS LOST IT'S MEANING IN CORPORATE NONSENSE AND BIG-CORPORATION SYNDROME. There are still GOOD professionals out there--ones that are passionate about the good work they do and have freed themselves to do it.

2. (Noun)

a. One who is enslaved to the characteristic of professionalism in order to keep their job (see Professional - adj.)

b. One who wears fancy clothes that tell nothing of their character or skill, whether good or bad.

c. Often higher manager that treats subordinates less "professionally" than they look.

"Fred worked until 2:00AM yesterday. He's way more professional than we are!" (adj.)

"Your speech was very professional, Arty!"
"Don't insult me!"
"Well that was unprofessional..."
"Thank you." (adj.)

"This is our professional team of salesmen."
"No, we're people who enjoy people and exercise that on the side in the form of sales." (adj)

"Would you describe yourself as...professional?"
"No, and here's why. The meaning of the word pro--"
"Okay, that'll be all. Have a nice life!"

"When I grow up, I want to be a professional!"
"No you don't Johnny, don't believe that nonsense." (noun)

"You're a real professional!"
"Thanks for the good intent, but don't ever say that again. Thanks." (noun)

by AgentSlade April 30, 2010

46👍 25👎



One who obtains and utilizes an account on imgur.com and/or a user of the Imgur mobile app. Often uses Imgur services and looks down on those who use other services. Occasionally will pressure others to use Imgur by using friendly-sounding, assumptive requests to share things on Imgur

"Hey, check out my pics on Imgur!"
"Do I have to have to be an Imgurian? I only have Flickr."
"Pshh! Who uses Flickr anymore? That's so 10 years ago. Flipping moron!"

"Any way you can share those photos to Imgur?"
Photographer: "Screw you. I'm not converting to being an Imgurian. Let me do my job. You're not paying me to tell me how to share photos."

by AgentSlade August 27, 2017

15👍 11👎