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Lebanon High School

A place, located in the middle of a corn field, in a town no one cares about. A place where you have to get up a 5:00 just to catch the bus. A place where not only are you the least priority to the school board, but also require those who have to walk to school to do so in -5 degrees. Don't talk to anyone here. The parties are so bad you'd be better off sticking your head in a meat tenderizer. They always are trying to "stop bullying", but if you report an incident they will simply write you a pass to see the school counselor. This place is full of depressed, desperate southern wannabes who cut themselves for attention. There are no clubs for you here. If you are any race besides white, be get ready for the 90% of students there to destroy your will to live with racism. Kids here also think holocaust jokes are "funny". If you do manage to meet a nice person, pictures of you and said person will become Instagram fodder. Just give it 5 minutes. Oh, yeah, don't join a club due to peer pressure. Because you know they lay that on you heavily. Next time you can, get flight lessons from the ONLY pilot in town at his hangar a few miles from the school. I recommend you fly far away the minute you enter that crop duster.

Person 1: I hate my school.
Person 2: Lebanon High School is currently hosting a year-round "scared straight" program.

by AhoyMisterSqueeshward January 26, 2018

17👍 7👎