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A free/paid MMORPG much like world of warcraft which only costs $6 a month that unfortunatedly is picked on by aggressive WoW players.

Random Pming guy: hey nub go play wow its beter than htis crap calld r00nscaip
Aiex40: who the hell are you and how did you get my username????????????
Youtube RS video comment: rs sucks you guys are nerds rofl go play WoW
Reponse: why do you go on runescape videos to advertise WoW...?

by Aiex40 February 20, 2010

1👍 11👎


The act of moving your legs forward and backwards in a spaggeti-like motion, causing temporal levitation and the ability to avoid omo's and yum yums.

Unicorns:We gotta be sneaky, we gotta be sneaky charlie, sneeaakkyy!
Charlie: Yeah, theres no way I can do that with my legs.

by Aiex40 April 28, 2009

188👍 140👎