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Popular Shortening of "Tomorrow Morning", primarily used in South East Anglia and London.

"I will pick you up in tomorning."

"Tomorning is the begining of the first day of the rest of my life."

"Although it after midnight, tomorning you may open your presents."

by Aka_85 August 15, 2012

5👍 1👎


Shorthand version of "Yeah, fair enough". Usually in type.

Firstly shortened to "Yair enuff", then further condensed to give letter representing yeah (yh) and enough (nf).

"I would but I don't want to"


by Aka_85 June 24, 2022


Able to use differing operating systems equally well.

The ability to seamlessly move between keyboard layouts and OSs.

"I use a Mac at home and PC at work, I keep typing @ instead of quotes"
"I'm compudextrous so not an issue"

by Aka_85 October 5, 2021


Sending friends/family point of view photos of your knees and clothing around your ankles while on the toilet, presumably defecating (taking a shit).

Gross my brother keeps sending me photos of him logging.

by Aka_85 March 30, 2017

Ride the Unicorn

To Ride the Unicorn is a metaphor for embracing your inner insanity. Where the majority will hide their "crazy" a Unicorn Rider is someone that shows it openly.

Person 1: "Did you see that guy trying to ride a unicycle up the down escalator in a t-rex costume? "
Person 2: "I know right, makes me want to ride the unicorn too"

by Aka_85 July 27, 2016

21👍 2👎