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The armed forces of any nation, occasionally replaced by an armed police force.
Mostly used to defend the nation's citizens territory, interests, and allies, and therefore not deployed for moral reasons.
In the US of A, mentioning the military is used to refer to the U.S. military.
Sadly, many people are tricked into joining these organizations under the impression that they are fighting for a altruistic goal e.g. freedom or democracy. This is almost never the case.
Although the bravery of the people who sign up for these is undisputed, their skill and labour is misdirected towards a pointless human invention which only causes grief to both sides.

"did you hear about that air strike the US military did on (insert target name here)?"
"Yea, I heard they did it because (insert target leader name here) was threatening to attack America."
"Really? I heard it was 'cause he had WMD."

by AlbWhi(Alias) May 14, 2011

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