Someone who feels the need to correct every little grammer error that they see to the point where it's just irritating and unnecessary.
Person A: Yo, peeps wat's happeninz?
Grammer Troll: *copies the last person's entire post and rewrites it* Yo, people what's happening?
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A. All right man, it's time to go on stage.
B. How do I look? Everything straight?
A. You got a little PB in the front.
B. PB?
A. Penis bulge, in the front of your pants. Try to tuck it or something before the show starts.
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1. Obviously
2. You don't say; I didn't know that.
1. Jason: You have an appointment at 3.
Rick: No shit.
2. Jason: I heard Jess has been out of state for the past week.
Rick: No shit? I thought she was staying at a friend's house.
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1. Used to as an insult to describe a group of people that are whores, fags, people you don't, or just women in general.
2. This word can also be used as a term of endearment when inserted into someone's name. As seen on Boondocks.
Riley Freeman- Grandad all I'm sayin' is when Xzibit brings your car back you gon' be "Bitches"
Grandad- What did you call me?!
Riley- No I mean "Bitches" as in you gon' have so many bitches that's what niggas is gon' call you, no disrespect.
Huey- No disrespect? You just called your grandfather "Bitches".
Riley- Yea, but don't mean "Bitches" in a disrespectful way I mean it as a general word for women. Grandad I'm just sayin' you might have to change your middle name from Jebediah to Bitches, no disrespect.
Grandad- Hmm, Grandad "Bitches" Freeman? Has a nice ring to it.
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Phrase coined by Philip Defranco.
1. One who boldly sticks his dick in new and adventurous places.
2. One who engages in anal sex.
James: We all know that one guy who's tried anal sex, right?
Patrick: I imagine that guy has to feel like a dick astronaut, he's gone where few men have gone before.
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To pursue or go after something like a beast. Food, pussy, a job, a person, whatever.
Person 1- Man I luv eating pop-tarts, I start by splitting them in half and than eating the jelly
Person 2- Nigga that's not how you do it.
Person 1- Than how do you eat pop-tarts?
Person 2- I start by eating around the crust than I just "at that bitch!"
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