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alec hole

bigger than the typical ass hole

Alec took big shit
now he has alec hole

Alec got boned

now he has Alec hole

by Alecisnohomo69 March 10, 2020

5👍 1👎

Alec the fat ass

big gay
is impede pronounce "re-TARD"

Hay Alec what did you get on your test?
I got a 3%
Holy Fuckin shit the dude you are an Alec the fat ass!

by Alecisnohomo69 November 15, 2019

8👍 2👎

Spank the albino snake

What alec does when he goes home after school

Hay alec what are you doing.
I spank the albino snake

by Alecisnohomo69 November 15, 2019

5👍 1👎