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Bottom Out

when a human,or other living being becomes so stressed or pressured that they stop functioning. This usually lasts for an indefinite amount of time and can be accompanied by a stroke looking face and a loud "buuurrrrrrr" sound that the person makes out of smoke.

The calculus test was so hard that all of the students bottomed out.

The students bottomed out when they saw their AP Physics exam.

The mother couldn't help but bottom out when she aw how high her bills were.

by Alejo513 August 18, 2011

49👍 110👎

Shit Out

when something, whether it be an object or person, breaks to a point of disrepair and/or no functioning uselessness

The car was running fine until you let it shit out!!!

If you'd have taken it to get fixed, it wouldn't have shit out!!

You've been throwing that book around for years, now its all shit out!!

We'd still be able to use it if you wouldn't have let it shit out.

by Alejo513 August 18, 2011

61👍 9👎