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1. A big fat liar. One who is unable to tell the truth in even the simplest of instances. This is the definition of a douchebag.

2. A clam diving champion, cone picker upper champion, semi pro bowler, who won the jump rope competition of 5th grade at his school. He also has very famous peers. This list includes his uncle, who owns the world's largest car collection with over 7 million, his grandpa, who, despite being Korean, was in line to lead the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before coming down with illness, his good old buddy Drew Brees's son, who attended school with Robert in Mississippi, and finally his next door neighbors Brett Favre and Snoop Dog. We also can't forget his impeccable ability to get nudes from all the gurrs, including Keeley, who was crazy enough to question the validity of something that Robert said. Let's also remember that Robert can hold his breath for over 10 minutes, and on a good day has an 11 inch dick. Robert also somehow manages a 3.6 GPA despite failing almost quiz and test, according to sources. Basically the coolest motherfucker of all time.

1. Wow, why don't you just tell the truth and stop being such a Robert.

2. "That Robert Huthoefer kid is one stupid ass fuckhead" - anyone who's ever met him.

by Alex6969Binns November 13, 2013

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