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Commonly: A man from Wales

To the enlightened: The only true inheritor of the Roman Empire who’s ancestors helped civilise the whole of Europe after the great decline, with the help of the English, Irish and Scottish.
It can also be used to describe a narrow minded bigot who feels threatened by the English and all too easily forgets that England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, in large part, worked together in forming the most successful colonies in the World.

A.That Welshman really is quiet and unassumingly talented and proud of his cultural heritage
B.Most welsh are

A That Welshman really is a loud mouth bigot who thinks all other welsh people are as stupid
B. Yes, but most welsh aren’t. He probably isn’t welsh

by AlexBarrett May 25, 2006

48👍 64👎


An alternate word for McDonald’s. It implies that only pricks eat at McDonald’s, but this is a common misunderstanding of the word. It is rather used as a sign of resignation to having to eat a McDonald’s through weakness, laziness, or necessity, and making it seem like it’s McDonald’s fault because they’re pricks, which of course they are not.

Man, I really fancy a McPricks
I guess we’ll have to go to McPricks again
I had to go to McPricks for breakfast because the greasy spoon was full

by AlexBarrett May 25, 2006

1👍 5👎