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A bunch of bloody-minded charlatans intent upon destroying the union of the United Kingdom, supported by a bunch of anti-English bigots.

The entire basis of their arguement centres around a non-renewable source of energy that they claim ownership to but seem to forget that without the help of the UK as a whole would not have had the means to extract it in the first place. Not to mention their shyness when it comes to addressing the West Lothian question.

Their entire mission statement is fantastical and unsustainable. Should Scotland become a divided nation current schemes such as free university tuition fees and the shambles that is the Scottish parliament would crumble leaving already poor Scottish citizens to foot the bill.

UNITED we stand, divided we fall. Keep Britain great, BOYCOTT the SNP.

I'm going to vote SNP because I don't want to be run by the English and their SCOTTISH PM.

by Alfie_88 October 3, 2008

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