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Edgar Allan Poe

A sexual act in which one masturbates or has sex within full earshot and/or line of sight of another person who is assumed to be sleeping, but is actually fully awake. The victim of the Edgar Allan Poe is then "buried alive" as they are forced to listen to the entire sexual act while pretending that they are still asleep, and then forced to silently bear the often traumatic memory of the sexual act and can never mention it to the perpetrator(s). The Edgar Allan Poe is usually unintentional, but can be done intentionally as well. Can be used as a verb (Edgar Allan Poeing someone), an adjective (getting Edgar Allen Poed), or a noun (giving them an Edgar Allan Poe).

Named for Edgar Allan Poe due to his fascination with being buried alive that is widely featured in his works, which may have in fact been induced by being Edgar Allan Poe'd by his parents growing up.

Bro #1: Dude! I was sleeping in my bunk in the dorm room last night, and woke up in the middle of the night because my roommate was banging his girlfriend on the top bunk. It was so awkward, I had to lay there and pretend to be asleep until they were finished!

Bro #2: Bro, you got Edgar Allan Poed!

by Alpin3 October 22, 2017

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