"The Girlfriends" is usually a group of middle school/high school teenage girls, who, them, are bubbly and badass at the same time. Their name is inspired by the fact that they're most likely all singles, making it pretty ironic. There's always a mom, an alcohol drinking lover, a party animal, a down to earth, an AD(H)D humorist and someone who's a mix of them all. Also, half of them are not a 100% straight. They're the type of friends you'd be happy to be loved by and scared to be hated by (even though they hardly hate anyone...but mean jocks . They can't stand them). If you're texting (out of love interest) one of the GF members, know that the other members will know EVERYTHING, trying to get their friend to be with you. They're like nice under cover spies for every and each situations they face.
They're not among the popular girls and don't try to be either. They're more like the type of high school clique that ALWAYS sits at that one table in the middle of the school cafeteria for God knows why while minding their own business...while talking about boys, of course.
1: "Why do they always sit there ?"
2: "It's their table. They even wrote "The Girlfriends" on it with permanent marker."
1: "They did ?"
2: "Yep. Nothing suprising, they're literally "The Girlfriends."
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"The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes" is the first official Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games related book written in nearly 10 years. Its publishing will take place on May 19th, 2020, 9 years, 8 months and 25 days after the last book was published.
This book is a prequel to the famous "The Hunger Games" books trilogy and movies tetralogy, under the respective names of (book and movie) "The Hunger Games", (book and movie) "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", (book) "The Hunger Games: Mockinjay" (movie) "The Hunger Games: Mockinjay PART 1" and (movie) "The Hunger Games: Mockinjay PART 2".
Although the previous books and movies's protagonist won't be a part of this new project, the readers will have the chance to review other characters such as President Snow himself, the well-known antagonist of the initial trilogy.
A movie adaptation of the book is planned in the years to come.
1: "I can't believe it, there's gonna be a new Hunger Games book ! I've been wishing for this since such a while !"
2: "Really ? What's its title ?"
1: "The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes."