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William Fitzsimmons

A talented Folk-music, indie guitarist, who is currently making it big on today's folk-alternative music scene. William is originally from Pittsburgh, Pa, was parented by a Mother and Father who both were blind, and played piano and trombone when he was in elementary school. The guitarist in Will was elicited by way of a spell during early adolescence-- he taught himself to play the guitar while attending middle school. William dons thick frames as well as a a 60s, 70s folkstyle beard.

Fitzsimmons is known for such musical nomenclature as Passion Play, Funeral Dress, It's Not true, If You Would Come Back Home, and After Afterall. Housed by the independent label Mercer Street/Downtown Records, he has released two full-length recordings, 'Goodnight' (2008) and 'The Sparrow and the Crow' (2008).

The term 'William Fitzsimmons' may be used in context while describing any contemporary element pertaining to today's folk music scene. The terminology 'William Fitzsimmons' may be found on such websites as MyspaceMusic, Facebook, and/or last.fm

A: "What show's playin' tonite?"

B: "Wilfitz @ the Docks ?"

A: "William Fitzsimmons!? No way. Link me w/ tix !"

by Am4ndaj4ngt1mer July 8, 2010

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