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Scene Kids

things yu yurself can do, and most likely do do, that will make yu scene!
here are some things that make up, SCENE KIDS
- saying yu are bi or gay when yu really aren't
- having about a thousand pictures on yur website of boys making out..."emo" boys.
- having more than 50 friend on myspace
- listing everything, with little hearts in front <3
- trying to be random AKA "i like skittles & cows"
- being 15 and acting like yu have gotten over some serious serious issue AKA cutting, depression, etc.
- pictures of yurself wearing excessive eye makeup, having yur horribly over-dyed hair over one of yur eyes, looking at the floor, putting the camera up as high as yu can reach over yur head so yur feet look like ants and yur head looks huge, cleavage shots from above where yu can pretty much only see the top of yur hair and yur tits, making it so it looks like yu just have en eye-hole cut in yur hair, brushing yur hair intentionally over yur face, having yur mouth hanging wide open in a gasp of "suprise", putting yur face to the floor and making a heart with yur fingers, taking pictures of yurself in yur bathroom mirror, prefferably where yu can see yur sink and possibly toilet, wearing the tightest clothes yu could find striaght out of the dryer so they're even tighter, and having every picture yu have of yurself look almost exactly identacle.
- living in Denmark
- pretending yu live in Denmark or some other part of th UK.
- having yur list of favorite music look like yu took a list of bands off of google and pasted it into yur web page. alphebetically.
- having pictures of people with half their face showing and a giant paper sign that says "i<3yulykewoah" or something equally ridiculous.
- using the word rad
- calling anyone, even people yu have never met, love, darling, sweety, doll, hun, babe, etc.
- wearing the merchandise of bands yu have never actually heard, or don't really like but want to, because it would make yu seem interesting.
- hanging out at the local mall with no purpose but to stand around with yur other scene loser friends and look at each other's pants, not even wondering how they have managed to squeeze their penises into them. i know i wonder.
-having anything that says, or writing anywhere, that music is yur significant other or music is yur religion.
-having really tiny backpacks or purses that yu can't fit anything into, and are adorned with pictures of Teen Titans, Dora the Explorer, Spongebob, Care Bears, My Little Pony, The Incredibles, etc. any recent kids show or movie. same goes for t-shirts.
- owning absolutely nothing that is actually VINTAGE, yet they want everyone to think they bought their clothes at value village. when we all know yu just went to hot topic or got yur mommy to buy yu it offline.
- calling yur friends yur mates, yur chavs, yur lovers, yur dino - "insert name here", etc.
- having yur screen name or wesite name "insert yur name here! at the disco" aka shauna! at the disco.
- telling everyone how much yu love to colour, eat candy & drink soda, and other childish pasttimes.
- telling everyone yu are madly in love and then breaking up a week later.
- makeing out with yur friends at parties for attention.
- taking pictures of yurself making a face like yu are about to throw up, have recently thrown up, or are gagging on something.
- making a face like yu just sneezed or have a rather itchy nose.
- talking like yu are english when really yu are just plain.

scene kids ; i like to colour
me & leah ; FAG

by AmberLee June 23, 2006

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