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Amber Turd




The act of defecating on a person’s bed, or side of the bed, while they are away. Most commonly, the target is your life partner, sibling, or close friend. This makes it much more easily excused as a “joke gone wrong,” on the off chance your stunt gets any major publicity and unwanted widespread attention.

(1) “I heard you rubbed your nuts on my drum set.”

“Yeah? And what’re you gonna do about it?”

“I’m gonna Amber Turd you when you leave to that job interview tomorrow!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

(2) “Duude I hear what happened, and I just have to say I’m so, so sorry and my family has the best therapist ever. I can give you their number.”

“Yeah thanks, I’m gonna need it. That bitch Amber Turded me real fucking good this time.”

by AmberTurdOriginal May 6, 2022

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