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A large dollop of goo. Usually consisting of miscellaneous zooplankton, deposited in a dollop by disgruntled marine biologists tired of sort sorting larval fish from goo using a microscope, 200 km out to sea on a research vessel which insists on rolling in even the slightest swell.

"Yo what do I do with this gollop",

"Put it in the oceanographers tea"

by Amedawgnarlymoves September 12, 2017


The look someone gives you when you to silently inform you of the uncoolness you may accidentally be radiating. They are do so by raining their shame rays down upon you. Shame Rays are usually a silent expression on the face of an onlookers witnessing your public gaucherie, but may be accompanied by a 'wait- what?' and raised eyebrows.

'On Friday when I was drunk, I tried to explain to a bunch of my co-workers what 'Neat Pet Group' is on Facebook and how it fills my newsfeed with pics of cool dogs... and how this video popped up where this dog didn't know how to respond to the command 'get down', so it did all the tricks it knew...and well, then they gave it a treat anyway because that was cute, you know?' Everyone was silent during the build-up to and post- this rather considerable anti-climax. I felt their shame-rays raining down on me as I plowed on through the increasingly staggered and awkward story to the inevitable and disappointing conclusion. So that was my evening.

by Amedawgnarlymoves August 15, 2018


The inability to control yourself when items are available free. E.g. stealing unnecessary sauce packets from a fish and chip shop, because you can and never really be sure when a free tartare packet will be handy, even though you will probably throw them out the next time you clean your car. Same goes with jam packets from breakfast buffets.

Man, Amy suffers from chronic freeomania; even when she doesn't want to drink if the booze is free she knocks them back like the prohibition is imminent. (Please note: freeomania is a chronic illness and sufferers are particularly vulnerable at 21st's, weddings, farmers' markets and gallery openings).

by Amedawgnarlymoves June 5, 2015